Wildlife in Every Brushstroke

Explore Original Artworks and Prints by David Stribbling

 I am a professional artist specializing in wildlife and nature-inspired oil paintings. From an early age, I developed a deep appreciation for the natural world and its beauty, which continues to inspire my work today.

Over the years, I have focused on capturing the spirit, character, and essence of animals—whether it’s the power of a lion, the grace of a tiger, or the subtle expressions of domestic pets. Working predominantly in oils, I aim to create vibrant and emotive pieces that bring each subject to life on the canvas.

My paintings have been collected internationally, exhibited in prestigious galleries, and recognized in events such as the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s Wildlife Artist of the Year. It's an honor to see my work find homes around the world and to share my passion for wildlife through art.

When I’m not at the easel, I spend time observing animals and nature, always seeking new inspiration for my next piece. Thank you for visiting my website and for your interest in my work—I hope you enjoy exploring my paintings as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Please get in touch if you are interested in having your own custom oil painting created. I can work from your own reference photos or if you have a particular animal or ideas for a composition in mind I have access to thousands of my own reference photos.

Price is dependent on the size and complexity from £250 to £2500
Pet Portraits
Please get in touch if you are interested in having a pet portrait painted in oil on canvas. I can work from your own reference photos or if you are within a reasonable distance I can come and take my own.

Price is dependent on the size and complexity from £250 to £2500

Please use the contact form in the first instance or email david@davidstribbling.com
Prints and Merchandise

Prints and Merchandise

Please visit my prints page ....

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  • Preston, England, United Kingdom
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email: matt@gratefullicensing.com